Swim and Survive - Centres



Why Swim and Survive?

Since its inception over thirty years ago, over 15 million Australian children have participated in the Swim and Survive program.

Swim and Survive has made a significant contribution in many families’ lives by reducing the rate of drowning in children aged 5-14 years by over 75%.




Swim and Survive Partner Program

A Swim and Survive Partner is a preferred, quality deliverer of the Swim and Survive program that works together with Royal Life Saving to deliver key water safety messages.

Gaining and maintaining Swim and Survive Partner status requires your facility to operate to standards of best practice as set out in the Partner Agreement.

There are five partnership standards which relate to:

  • Venue safety
  • Teaching qualification standards
  • Swim and Survive program delivery
  • Signage
  • Policy adherence



Partner facilities are assessed against these standards annually by Royal Life Saving to ensure a quality service to their customers. Partner facilities are also required to complete a Venue Safety Self-Audit to ensure the safe provision of the Swim and Survive program.

The key elements of the safety audit include:

  • Administration
  • Emergency procedures
  • Program delivery
  • Staffing
  • Facilities and equipment

Royal Life Saving may have additional requirements such as membership or examiner registration in some locations.

Benefits of being a Swim and Survive Partner

By becoming a Swim and Survive Partner, your organisation is promoted by Royal Life Saving as a preferred, quality deliverer of the Swim and Survive program.

  • Royal Life Saving Brand - The Royal Life Saving brand signifies trust, quality and long-term commitment to aquatic education.
  • National Program - Swim and Survive is Australia's only national swimming and water safety program that focuses on achieving the goals of the Australian Water Safety Strategy.
  • Well Researched Program - Swim and Survive is a well-researched program that is reviewed regularly and uses methods of best practice for the provision of water safety education.
  • GST free Personal Aquatic Survival Skills - Royal Life Saving has worked hard with the Australian Federal Government to ensure that water safety programs that teach essential personal aquatic survival skills are GST free. Swim and Survive complies with this criteria.
  • Marketing Campaigns & Promotions - Royal Life Saving conducts national marketing campaigns and promotions to support the Swim and Survive program and promote the importance of water safety education. Activities include special events, media releases and feature news articles.
  • Comprehensive Resources - Swim and Survive is supported by a range of comprehensive resources to assist with the promotion and delivery of the program. Resources include brochures, logbooks, certificates, signage, instructor guides, posters and water safety activities.
  • National Support Network - Royal Life Saving's network of State and Territory Member Organisations provide local and personal support to assist with the implementation of Swim and Survive including marketing and promotion ideas, supplementary teaching resources and personal development opportunities.

Partners have access to the following resources:
