Classroom Resources
Cross-curricula learning resources for water safety education for teachers and parents.

Access to all these resources is FREE

Royal Life Saving's water safety education resources can be used for Health and Physical Education and cross-curricula learning outcomes as well as supporting practical swimming, water safety and lifesaving programs.

The aim is to make learning fun while teaching children valuable water safety skills to ensure they remain active and safe in and around water.

All of the materials can be easily distributed to students, shared online, downloaded or used via the Royal Life Saving e-learning platform.

Teacher guides, instructions and additional information are provided to help teachers and parents use these resources effectively.

Swim and Survive Knowledge Modules
Meet Chelsea, her family and friends and follow them on their adventures in and around water at home, at the farm and around aquatic environments in their local community. Explore our knowledge modules to learn about the dangers associated with water in these locations, actions to keep you, your family and friends and how to help in an emergency. It’s easy to get involved - click on the link for more information on the modules, to register and login to get started on learning more about water safety.
Water Smart From Foundation to Year 10
Water Smart is a classroom-based resource for teachers and schools including a Water Smart Education Toolkit and a Water Smart Award Guide. There’s no need to plan your lessons as we’ve done everything for you!
Learn More about the Water Smart Program

Bronze e-Lifesaving for Secondary Schools

Bronze e-Lifesaving is an interactive e-learning program that challenges and engages youth on issues such as risk-taking behaviour, peer influences and alcohol consumption when recreating in and around water.

Using aquatic themes, students explore personal attitudes, beliefs and personal relationships and will develop skills in making informed decisions, refusal tactics and leadership. Bronze e-Lifesaving teaches students survival skills, rescue techniques and basic emergency and first aid care for managing situations where their own or others’ wellbeing and safety may be at risk.

Activity sheets
Check out more fun and educational activities for all ages, including crosswords, mazes, wordsearch and more!
Download now