Swim and Survive
Royal Life Saving's Swim and Survive program ensures children all over Australia get the very best swimming and water safety education backed by over 125 years of experience in swimming and lifesaving, based on evidence-based research.

Swim and Survive is the perfect environment for kids to consolidate foundation skills, acquire new skills and increase distance and duration, all while having fun, being challenged and making friends. Our aim is to build a nation of strong swimmers to enjoy the water safely.


  • Ages from 5 years to 12 years
  • Focus on personal survival, water safety and lifesaving to complement strong swimming skills
  • Active practise, activity, and scenario-based learning
  • Progressions to achieve National Benchmarks and beyond

What will my child learn?

  • Entries and exits for a range of aquatic environments
  • Floating, rotation and orientation skills in various positions
  • Survival skills, techniques and strategies for emergency situations
  • Underwater and search skills
  • Swimming and survival strokes
  • Rescue methods for different situations
  • Hazards and personal safety around water
  • An understanding of personal aquatic abilities and limitations
  • Actions to get help and respond to an emergency including basic resuscitation

Safety and inclusivity for all children

Everyone has the potential to acquire and develop swimming and water safety skills, so we aim to create a positive, safe, and inclusive experience for all.

Acquisition and consolidation

Children will participate at their own ability and progress through levels as they acquire skills and knowledge. It’s important to consolidate the skills before moving on to more complex and challenging tasks.

National Swimming and Water Safety Framework

Swim and Survive offers your child the opportunity to achieve the development milestones of the National Swimming and Water Safety Framework and meet and exceed the National Benchmarks.

Want to deliver the Swim and Survive program at your facility?
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What is the National Swimming and Water Safety Framework?
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